10 Syawal 1433H
Assalamulaikum w.b.t!!
Welcome back everybody!! mesti semua lemau kan nak kerja.. not me!! In fact, I've been working since 4th of Syawal.. gigih kan!! Actually, last week lagi aku nak update blog ni.. unfortunately, since cuti hampir seminggu (means seminggu jugak ler x update blog)... almost forgot the password!! duh!!! Try so many times but still stuck.. and finally, today... aku dapat log in... yeah to me!!
Boleh dikatakan semua pakat duk update pasal RAYA.. well.. festive season kan.. so aku pun nak update jugak laa.. hehehehe... for me, this Raya ada bittersweet moment yg tersendiri... yg bitter2 tuu.. x yah la nak share.. tapi yang sweet tuu... hhmm... harus la di war warkan di sini.. kaaaann...
Our theme for this Raya : Arabic style + green + turquoise = 1MALAYSIA!!
Best kan... biasa la aku.. kalo gi solat hari raya, sure nak berjubah bagai... tapi bila dah balik dari masjid.. harus la mak bertukar.. siap make up lagi... Apa yang best?? hehehehe.. this is more like my personal achievement laaa.. For those yg x tahu.. aku mulai diet since April 2012. The process of losing my weight.. it's not so drastic.. just slow and steady... alhamdulillah!! before puasa i manage to lose almost 10kg... ok la kan for 4 months diet bodo-bodo kannn... but for Ramadhan, aku cuba gandakan usaha di samping gandakan amalan ibadat gitew... hehehe.. alhamdulillah.. 1 month fasting, i loose 6kg.. so total loss =16kg.. wow.. hehehe... So bila dah hilang sebanyak tuu.. aku mulai rasa perubahan nya... bila balik kampung.. semua pakat duk tegur.. pastu baju raya aku (mini kurung... org Kelantan panggil baju mak datin).. dah jadi macam baju kurung.. my tailor said that i lose 3 inches.. masa tu rasa cam nak melompat jer.. tapi segan laa sbb kat rumah tailor kan.. hehehe.. so for this raya.. my confident level was higher tahn before... here's some photo to share with all of you...
Me & Chah (My cousin's daughter) |
The whole clan |
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My heat & soul ♥ |
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My bodyguard (big bro) |
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My nephew... Duit raya baik punyer!! |
My grandma (Mek) |
The Ladies in our big happy family!! |
Ada la sket kan perubahan nya.. kan?? kan?? X der?? lantak ler... let me perasan sorang2... hehehe...jangan marah yer.. to those yang nak buat open house tuu jangan lupa jemput i tau...
~ Babai ~
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